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ModelExchanger.AnalysisDataModel.Interfaces Namespace

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Public interfaceIAnalysisInformationObject
Marker interface for information objects such as Project & Model
Public interfaceIAnalysisModelSubtype
Marker interface for objects that are subtypes used in IAnalysisObject's.
Public interfaceICanHaveRelationWithStructuralObjectIds
Marker interface to indicate that the analytical object can have a mapping relation with a structural model object.
Public interfaceICurveStructuralReference
Public interfaceIHasArea
Marker interface for objects that have an area
Public interfaceIHasBeginAndEndEccentricities
Marker interface for objects that have eccentricities defined on begin and end, as well as structural and analysis eccentricities
Public interfaceIHasBoundaryNodeConditionTTranslation, TRotation
Marker interface for objects which have a set of constraints and a Type which quickly identifies the set of constraints.
Public interfaceIHasBoundaryNodeConditionTTranslationFirst, TTranslationSecond, TRotationFirst, TRotationSecond
Marker interface for objects which have a set of constraints and a Type which quickly identifies the set of constraints.
Public interfaceIHasBoundaryNodeConditionBase
Marker base interface for objects which have a Type which quickly identifies the set of constraints
Public interfaceIHasColor
Marker interface for objects which have a color.
Public interfaceIHasCoordinateDefinition
Marker interface for objects which support relative or absolute positioning
Public interfaceIHasEdgeIndex
Marker interface for objects which have a 0-based edge index
Public interfaceIHasEdgeIndexOfStructuralSurfaceMember
Also includes a reference property (Member2D) to the 2D member
Public interfaceIHasInternalNodes
Marker interface for objects which have internal nodes.
Public interfaceIHasLength
Marker interface for objects that have a length
Public interfaceIHasLoadDirectionVectorTValue
Marker interface for load objects that have a direction of type ActionDirection, which defines the X, Y and Z values for the direction vector
Public interfaceIHasParentId
Marker interface for objects having a ParentId property that points to a "parent" object of the same type
Public interfaceIHasPointStructuralActionOnBeam
Public interfaceIHasRibWidth
Marker interface for StructuralCurveMemberRib that defines the rib's width & shape
Public interfaceIHasRibWidthGeneralT
Marker interface for StructuralCurveMemberRib that defines the rib's width, used for calculation of internal forces when EffectiveWidth is set to NumberOfThickness
Public interfaceIHasRibWidthLengthGeneralT
Marker interface for StructuralCurveMemberRib that defines the rib's width, used for calculation of internal forces when EffectiveWidth is set to Width
Public interfaceIHasRotationalConstraintsT
Marker interface for objects which have rotational constraints
Public interfaceIHasRotationalConstraintsTFirst, TSecond
Marker interface for objects which have rotational constraints
Public interfaceIHasRotationalConstraintsBaseTConstraint
Marker interface for objects which have rotational constraints
Public interfaceIHasSingleEccentricities
Marker interface for objects that have an Eccentricity Ez and Eccentricity Ey
Public interfaceIHasSubsoil
Marker interface for objects that have a Subsoil
Public interfaceIHasTranslationConstraintsTStiffness
Marker interface for objects which have translation constraints
Public interfaceIHasTranslationConstraintsTStiffness, TResistance
Marker interface for objects which have translation constraints
Public interfaceIHasTranslationConstraintsBaseTConstraint
Marker base interface for objects which have translation constraints
Public interfaceIHasTwoLoadDirectionVectorsTValue
Public interfaceILibraryElementAnalysisObject
Marker interface for Structural Analysis object which are considered to be "library" types (e.g. material, cross section, ...)
Public interfaceILoadAnalysisObject
Marker interface for analysis objects that load related objects (e.g. Load group, load case, point force, ...)
Public interfaceIPointStructuralReference
Public interfaceIResultAnalysisObject
Common interface for result objects
Public interfaceIResultsAnalysisObjectObsolete Obsolete.
Marker interface for analysis objects which represent results in the structural analysis domain
Public interfaceIStructuralCrossSectionWithDefinition
Marker interface used with derived types from StructuralCrossSection which have a definition for the shape of their profile
Public interfaceIStructuralCrossSectionWithDescriptionId
Marker interface used with derived types from StructuralCrossSection which have a description ID
Public interfaceIStructuralCrossSectionWithFormCode
Marker interface used with derived types from StructuralCrossSection which have a form code
Public interfaceIStructuralCrossSectionWithParameters
Marker interface used with derived types from StructuralCrossSection which have a list of parameters that define the Shape
Public interfaceIStructuralCrossSectionWithProfile
Marker interface used with derived types from StructuralCrossSection which have a profile
Public interfaceIStructuralCrossSectionWithShape
Marker interface used with derived types from StructuralCrossSection which have a Shape
Public interfaceIStructuralElementAnalysisObject
Marker interface for structural analysis objects (e.g. nodes, beams, surfaces)