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CircularBase Properties

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The CircularBase type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBegin
The first point of the curve
(Inherited from Curve.)
Public propertyCenter
The center point of the circle on which the arc is positioned
Protected propertyCenterAngle
The angle formed between the lines of center to head and center to tail
Public propertyEnd
The last point of the curve
(Inherited from Curve.)
Public propertyIsValid
Determines if the data provided makes for a valid circle
Public propertyNumberOfPointsRequiredForRendering
Determines how many points the curve needs in order to be rendered correctly
(Overrides CurveNumberOfPointsRequiredForRendering.)
Public propertyPoints
The list of points that make up the curve
(Inherited from Curve.)
Public propertyRadius
The distance between the center and any point on the arc
See Also