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StructuralPointMoment<TPointStructuralReference> Properties

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The StructuralPointMoment<TPointStructuralReference> generic type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCoordinateSystem
Defines the coordinate system of the member in which the load is applied
(Inherited from StructuralPointLoadBase<TTypeOfValue, TTypeOfDirection>.)
Public propertyDirection
Specifies the base direction of the load
(Inherited from StructuralPointLoadBase<TTypeOfValue, TTypeOfDirection>.)
Public propertyForceAction
Defines on which type of structural element the point load acts
(Inherited from StructuralPointLoadBase<TTypeOfValue, TTypeOfDirection>.)
Public propertyId
The ID of the Analysis object. Needs to be unique within the entire model
(Inherited from StructuralAnalysisObjectBase.)
Public propertyLoadCase
The StructuralLoadCase to which this load is assigned
(Inherited from StructuralPointLoadBase<TTypeOfValue, TTypeOfDirection>.)
Public propertyName
The name of the Analysis object. Needs to be unique within it's type
(Inherited from StructuralAnalysisObjectBase.)
Public propertyStructuralReference
Object containing reference information of the structural element on which the load is applied
Public propertyType
Defines what the load is caused by
(Inherited from StructuralPointLoadBase<TTypeOfValue, TTypeOfDirection>.)
Public propertyValue
The value of the point load
(Inherited from StructuralPointLoadBase<TTypeOfValue, TTypeOfDirection>.)
See Also