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LogEvent Methods

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The LogEvent type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberDebug
Factory method that creates a logging event with Debug and a given message. It will automatically try to determine the source method, source file and line number
Public methodStatic memberError
Factory method that creates a logging event with Error and a given message. It will automatically try to determine the source method, source file and line number
Public methodStatic memberInfo
Factory method that creates a logging event with Info and a given message. It will automatically try to determine the source method, source file and line number
Public methodStatic memberTrace
Factory method that creates a logging event with Trace and a given message. It will automatically try to determine the source method, source file and line number
Public methodStatic memberWarn
Factory method that creates a logging event with Warn and a given message. It will automatically try to determine the source method, source file and line number
See Also