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IHasTwoLoadDirectionVectorsTValue Properties

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The IHasTwoLoadDirectionVectorsTValue generic type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDirection
Specifies the base direction of the load
(Inherited from IHasLoadDirectionVectorTValue.)
Public propertyDirectionVectorX
When Direction is set to Vector, then this property defines the X portion of that vector.
(Inherited from IHasLoadDirectionVectorTValue.)
Public propertyDirectionVectorX2
When [!:Direction] is set to Vector, then this property defines the X portion of that vector when Distribution is not uniform.
Public propertyDirectionVectorY
When Direction is set to Vector, then this property defines the Y portion of that vector.
(Inherited from IHasLoadDirectionVectorTValue.)
Public propertyDirectionVectorY2
When [!:Direction] is set to Vector, then this property defines the Y portion of that vector when Distribution is not uniform.
Public propertyDirectionVectorZ
When Direction is set to Vector, then this property defines the Z portion of that vector.
(Inherited from IHasLoadDirectionVectorTValue.)
Public propertyDirectionVectorZ2
When [!:Direction] is set to Vector, then this property defines the Z portion of that vector when Distribution is not uniform.
See Also