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PolyederExtensions Methods

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The PolyederExtensions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAddOneDRectangle
Creates a 1D rectangle by adding 4 new vertices and 1 face to the polyeder which together form a rectangle of a given width and height.
Public methodStatic memberAddOneDSquare
Creates a 1D square by adding 4 new points and 1 face to the polyeder which together from a square of given size. The square will always be in the Z = 0 plane
Public methodStatic memberAddThreeDCircle
Create a 3D circle around the origin of the provided coordinate system with given radius thickness.
Public methodStatic memberAddThreeDCube
Generate a 3D cube with a given size (width, height and length) from the origin of the provided coordinate system. The origin of the coordinate system will be at the center of the cube
Public methodStatic memberAddThreeDCylinder
Adds a 3D cylinder to the polyeder.
Public methodStatic memberAddThreeDPyramid
Create a 3D pyramid from a provided coordinate system and tip point and given width.
Public methodStatic memberAddThreeDPyramidFaces
Adds 4 faces to the Polyeder, following a predefined order using the provided vertexIndexes (counter-clockwise). These 4 faces are the remaining "side" faces of 3D pyramid. Each face consists out of 3 vertex indexes.
Public methodStatic memberAddThreeDRectangle(Polyeder, CoordinateSystem, Length, Length, Length)
Generate a 3D rectangle with a given length, width and height from the origin of the provided coordinate system The origin of the coordinate system will be at the center of the rectangle
Public methodStatic memberAddThreeDRectangle(Polyeder, Line, Length, Length, CoordinateSystemAdjustment)
Generate a 3D rectangle with given width and height, based on the provided line. The line represents the X-axis and runs through the center of the rectangle
Public methodStatic memberAddThreeDRectangleFaces
Adds 4 faces to the Polyeder, following a predefined order using the provided vertexIndexes (counter-clockwise). These 4 faces are the remaining faces of a 3D rectangle, of which 2 opposite facing faces have already been added to the polyeder.
Public methodStatic memberAddThreeDRectangles
Generate 3D rectangles between the provided points, with given width and height. At least 2 points must be provided.
Public methodStatic memberAddThreeDSquare
Generate a 3D square "frame" in which the sides of the frames are created using 3D rectangles with the given thickness (width & length). The size determines how big the square will be (height and/ width)
Public methodStatic memberAddThreeDZigZag
Create a 3D "zigzag" / lightning-ish bolt
See Also