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IAnalysisModelService Methods

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The IAnalysisModelService type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddItemsToModel
Adds a collection of IAnalysisObject to an AnalysisModel
Public methodAddItemToModel
Public methodAddOrUpdate
Add or update an IAnalysisObject depending on the state of the object in the AnalysisModel. If the IAnalysisObject does not exist, it is added. Otherwise it will be updated.
Public methodRemoveItemFromModel
Remove an IAnalysisObject from an AnalysisModel. An exception will be raised if the IAnalysisObject is being referenced by another IAnalysisObject
Public methodUpdate
Update an existing IAnalysisObject in an AnalysisModel
Public methodValidateModel
Validate an entire AnalysisModel
See Also