DescriptionId Enumeration |
[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]
Namespace: ModelExchanger.AnalysisDataModel.Enums
public enum DescriptionId
Member name | Value | Description | |
NotSpecified | 0 | Not specified / unavailable | |
EuropeanIBeam | 1 | European I-beam | |
EuropeanStandardBeam | 2 | European standard beam | |
EuropeanWideFlangeBeam | 3 | European wide flange beam | |
WideFlangeColumn | 4 | Wide flange column | |
WideFlangeBearingPile | 5 | Wide flange bearing pile | |
ChannelWithParallelFlanges | 6 | Channel with parallel flanges | |
EuropeanStandardChannel | 7 | European standard channel | |
EqualLegAngle | 8 | Equal leg angle | |
UnequalLegAngle | 9 | Unequal leg angle | |
LegAngle | 10 | Leg angle | |
BritishUniversalBeam | 11 | British universal beam | |
BritishUniversalColumn | 12 | British universal column | |
BritishUniversalBearingPileWithWideFlanges | 13 | British universal bearing pile with wide flanges | |
WideFlatBar | 14 | Wide flat bar | |
ColdFormedCSection | 15 | Cold-formed C-Section | |
ColdFormedAngle | 16 | Cold-formed angle | |
ColdFormedOmegaSection | 17 | Cold-formed omega section | |
ColdFormedChannelSection | 18 | Cold-formed channel section | |
ColdFormedZSection | 19 | Cold-formed Z-Section | |
CircularHollowSection | 20 | Circular hollow section | |
ColdFormedCircularHollowSection | 21 | Cold-formed circular hollow section | |
FlatBar | 22 | Flat bar | |
StructuralTeeCutFromIShape | 23 | Structural tee cut from I-shape | |
AsymmetricalISection | 24 | Asymmetrical I-section | |
RectangularHollowSection | 25 | Rectangular hollow section | |
RoundBar | 26 | Round bar | |
ColdFormedRectangularHollowSection | 27 | Cold-formed rectangular hollow section | |
ChannelSection | 28 | Channel section | |
BritishJoist | 29 | British joist | |
RailSection | 30 | Rail section | |
TeeShape | 31 | Tee shape | |
ZSection | 32 | Z-Section | |
AmericanWideFlangeBeamMetricNamingConvention | 33 | American wide flange beam metric naming convention | |
AmericanWideFlangeBeamImperialNamingConvention | 34 | American wide flange beam imperial naming convention | |
AmericanMiscellaneousBeamMetricNamingConvention | 35 | American miscellaneous beam metric naming convention | |
AmericanMiscellaneousBeamImperialNamingConvention | 36 | American miscellaneous beam imperial naming convention | |
AmericanBearingPileMetricNamingConvention | 37 | American bearing pile metric naming convention | |
AmericanBearingPileImperialNamingConvention | 38 | American bearing pile imperial naming convention | |
AmericanStandardBeamMetricNamingConvention | 39 | American standard beam metric naming convention | |
AmericanStandardBeamImperialNamingConvention | 40 | American standard beam imperial naming convention | |
AmericanStandardChannelMetricNamingConvention | 41 | American standard channel metric naming convention | |
AmericanStandardChannelImperialNamingConvention | 42 | American standard channel imperial naming convention | |
AmericanMiscellaneousChannelMetricNamingConvention | 43 | American miscellaneous channel metric naming convention | |
AmericanMiscellaneousChannelImperialNamingConvention | 44 | American miscellaneous channel imperial naming convention | |
AmericanSingleAngleMetricNamingConvention | 45 | American single angle metric naming convention | |
AmericanSingleAngleImperialNamingConvention | 46 | American single angle imperial naming convention | |
AmericanStructuralTeeCutFromIShapeMetricNamingConvention | 47 | American structural tee cut from I-shape metric naming convention | |
AmericanStructuralTeeCutFromIShapeImperialNamingConvention | 48 | American structural tee cut from I-shape imperial naming convention | |
AmericanRectangularAndSquareHollowStructuralSectionMetricNamingConvention | 49 | American rectangular and square hollow structural section metric naming convention | |
AmericanRectangularAndSquareHollowStructuralSectionImperialNamingConvention | 50 | American rectangular and square hollow structural section imperial naming convention | |
AmericanRoundHollowStructuralSectionMetricNamingConvention | 51 | American round hollow structural section metric naming convention | |
AmericanRoundHollowStructuralSectionImperialNamingConvention | 52 | American round hollow structural section imperial naming convention | |
AmericanSteelPipeMetricNamingConvention | 53 | American steel pipe metric naming convention | |
AmericanSteelPipeImperialNamingConvention | 54 | American steel pipe imperial naming convention | |
JapaneseHSection | 55 | Japanese H-section | |
ColdFormedZedSection | 56 | Cold-formed zed section | |
ColdFormedSigmaSection | 57 | Cold-formed sigma section | |
ColdFormedSectionEaveBeam | 58 | Cold-formed section eave beam | |
IntegratedFloorBeam | 59 | Integrated floor beam | |
SlimFloorBeam | 60 | Slim floor beam | |
TopHatBeam | 61 | Top hat beam | |
IndianStandardLightWeightChannels | 62 | Indian standard light weight channels | |
IndianStandardColumnSections | 63 | Indian standard column sections | |
IndianStandardWideFlangeBeams | 64 | Indian standard wide flange beams | |
IndianStandardUnequalLegAngles | 65 | Indian standard unequal leg angles | |
IndianStandardMediumWeightParallelFlangeChannels | 66 | Indian standard medium weight parallel flange channels | |
IndianStandardMediumWeightChannels | 67 | Indian standard medium weight channels | |
IndianStandardMediumWeightBeams | 68 | Indian standard medium weight beams | |
IndianStandardLightWeightBeams | 69 | Indian standard light weight beams | |
IndianStandardJuniorChannels | 70 | Indian standard junior channels | |
IndianStandardJuniorBeams | 71 | Indian standard junior beams | |
IndianStandardHeavyWeightBeams | 72 | Indian standard heavy weight beams | |
IndianStandardEqualAngles | 73 | Indian standard equal angles | |
ColdFormedSquareAndRectangularHollowSection | 74 | Cold-formed square and rectangular hollow section | |
SquareAndRectangularHollowSection | 75 | Square and rectangular hollow section | |
ChannelSectionWithInclinedFlanges | 76 | Channel section with inclined flanges | |
SectionWithHighWeb | 77 | Section with high web | |
SectionWithWideFlange | 78 | Section with wide flange | |
SquareBar | 79 | Square bar | |
StructuralTeeCutFromUniversalBeam | 80 | Structural tee cute from universal beam | |
StructuralTeeCutFromUniversalColumn | 81 | Structural tee cut from universal column | |
Jumbo355SquareHollowSection | 82 | Jumbo 355 square hollow section | |
Celsius355SquareHollowSection | 83 | Celsius 355 square hollow section | |
Hybox355ColdFormedSquareHollowSection | 84 | Hybox 355 cold-formed square hollow section | |
Jumbo355RectangularHollowSection | 85 | Jumbo 355 rectangular hollow section | |
Celsius355RectangularHollowSection | 86 | Celsius 355 rectangular hollow section | |
Hybox355ColdFormedRectangularHollowSection | 87 | Hybox 355 cold-formed rectangular hollow section | |
Jumbo355CircularHollowSection | 88 | Jumbo 355 circular hollow section | |
Celsius355CircularHollowSection | 89 | Celsius 355 circular hollow section | |
Hybox355ColdFormedCircularHollowSection | 90 | Hybox 355 cold-formed circular hollow section | |
ChineseHshape | 91 | Chinese H-shape | |
ChineseCutTsection | 92 | Chinese cut T-section | |
ChineseColdFormedSquarePipe | 93 | Chinese cold-formed square pipe | |
ChineseColdFormedRectangularTube | 94 | Chinese cold-formed rectangular tube | |
ChineseColdFormedRoundPipe | 95 | Chinese cold-formed round pipe | |
ChineseIbeam | 96 | Chinese I-beam | |
ChineseChannelSteel | 97 | Chinese channel steel | |
ChineseEqualLegAngleSteel | 98 | Chinese equal leg angle steel | |
ChineseUnequalLegAngleSteel | 99 | Chinese unequal leg angle steel | |
IcecZPurlin | 100 | Icec Z-purlin | |
IcecCPurlin | 101 | Icec C-purlin | |
BrazilianIAndHSection | 102 | Brazilian I- and H-section | |
CelsiusLargeCircularHollowSection | 103 | Celsius large circular hollow section | |
ColdFormedAsymmetricSigmaSection | 104 | Cold-formed asymmetric sigma section | |
ColdFormedIplusSection | 105 | Cold-formed I-plus section | |
ColdFormedISplusSection | 106 | Cold-formed IS-plus section | |
SsmaStudColdFormedCSectionWithLips | 107 | Ssma stud cold-formed C-section with lips | |
SsmaTrackColdFormedCSectionWithoutLips | 108 | Ssma track cold-formed C-section without lips | |
EuropeanExtraWideFlangeBeam | 109 | European extra wide flange beam | |
RussianHotRolledBeam | 110 | Russian hot rolled beam | |
BritishParallelFlangeChannel | 111 | British parallel flange channel | |
BritishChannelWithTaperFlanges | 112 | British channel with taper flanges | |
ColdFormedSectionMeTfloor | 113 | Cold-formed section METfloor | |
ColdFormedChannelSectionMeTframe | 114 | Cold-formed channel section METframe | |
ColdFormedCSectionMeTframe | 115 | Cold-formed C-section METframe | |
VirtualJoist | 116 | Virtual joist | |
VirtualJoistGirder | 117 | Virtual joist girder | |
ColdFormedSigmaPlusSection | 118 | Cold-formed sigma plus section |