Version 1.6.0 |
[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]
This version has been released on 2021-07-26.
This release has made major changes to how results are dealt with.
All the original objects related to results have become obsolete and new types pertaining to 1D internal forces have been added.
We've also performed some upgrades to some of the nuget packages used, due to the separation of the Excel module into the SAF SDK
Also, we have removed IServiceProvider from the registrations in the SimpleInjector container, as this was a code smell and an anti-pattern.
FluentValidation: Upgraded from 8.4.0 to 10.2.3
SimpleInjector: Upgraded from 4.4.2 to 4.10.2
Here is what has been added to this release:
AnalysisResultType: An enumeration which lists the kind of results available in the assembly.
IResultAnalysisObject: A marker interface for objects that are related to results.
ResultAnalysisBase: Base class for any objects related to results. This class will also make sure that ID of result objects can be regenerated at all times by using the name of the segment (= deterministic guids)
ResultAnalysis1DInternalForces: Object representing a 1D internal force segment on a StructuralCurveMember or StructuralCurveMemberRib, which belongs to a StructuralLoadCase or StructuralLoadCombination
Here is what has been updated in this release:
StructuralCurveMember: Updated LCS Adjustment to be "Y by vector" and a value of (0,1,0) by default.
StructuralEdgeConnection: Switched to IHasEdgeIndexOfStructuralSurfaceMember in favor of the original IHasEdgeIndex. This to facility changes in the edge index validation
StructuralSurfaceMemberOpening: Implemented IHasParentId interface.
IAnalysisModelResultsConversionService: Service that allows you to convert an AnalysisModel which has results in the old format to the new format.
CSInfrastructure.IOC.BootstrapperAbstract: Updated bootstrapper to allow specifying the default lifestyle for registrations. This was fixed on ThreadScopedLifestyle originally