Version 1.5.0 |
[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]
This version has been released on 2021-04-16.
Here is what has been added to this release:
IHasBeginAndEndEccentricities: A marker interface for objects that have virtual eccentricities defined on begin and end.
IHasLoadDirectionVector: A marker interface for load objects that have a vector which angles the load.
IHasTwoLoadDirectionVectors: A marker interface for load objects that have two vectors which angles the load.
Added validation for a direction vector on loads. All 3 properties (X, Y and Z) are required when the direction is set to "Vector"
Here is what has been updated in this release:
ActionDirection: Expanded with new "Vector" (= 3) value.
LoadCaseType: Added the values "Temperature" (= 6), "Wind" (= 7), "Snow" (= 8), "Maintenance" (= 9), "Fire" (= 10), "Moving" (= 11), "Seismic" (= 12)
Renamed IHasEccentricities to IHasSingleEccentricities
StructuralCurveMember: Implemented new IHasBeginAndEndEccentricities interface.
StructuralSurfaceMember: Renamed EccentricityEz to AnalysisEccentricityZ and added new StructuralEccentricityZ property.
StructuralCurveActionFree: Implemented new IHasTwoLoadDirectionVectorsinterface.
StructuralCurveActionTCurveStructuralReference: Implemented new IHasTwoLoadDirectionVectors interface.
StructuralPointActionFree: Implemented new IHasLoadDirectionVector interface.
StructuralPointActionTPointStructuralReference: Implemented new IHasLoadDirectionVector interface.
Local coordinate system transformations:
Updated transformations for StructuralCurveAction and StructuralPointAction that act on StructuralCurveMembers to also transform the new direction vector properties.
Updated transformation for StructuralCurveMember to transform the new virtual eccentricities
StructuralCurveActionFree: Added validation when direction is "Vector". Direction vector properties are required in this case and should be NULL otherwise. Also, both vectors must be parallel to each other.
StructuralCurveAction: Added validation when direction is "Vector". Direction vector properties are required in this case and should be NULL otherwise. Also, both vectors must be parallel to each other.
StructuralLoadCase: Allowed LoadType of "Standard" when ActionType is "Variable"
StructuralPointActionFree: Added validation for direction vector properties. They are required when Direction is set to "Vector" and should be NULL otherwise.
StructuralPointAction: Added validation for direction vector properties. They are required when Direction is set to "Vector" and should be NULL otherwise.
StructuralSurfaceMember: Added additional validation for "Shell" type surfaces. If the surface has more than 4 edges and all the StructuralPointConnection's of that surface are in the same plane, the type of surface is automatically changed to "Plate" and a warning is generated.